Today I did the below test makeup – not for a particular
project but for practice – practice makes perfect as they always say! I
sculpted and moulded the prosthetic a month or so ago, but haven’t had the time
to apply it. It’s supposed to be a kind of ripped cheek thing for a zombie
The appliance is Platsil Gel 10 encapsulated in Super
Baldiez and painted with Skin Illustrator.
Due to the fiddly raised bits, the piece was a bitch to get
out of the mould and I have to admit that I almost gave up altogether,
especially when some of the Baldiez bits started to tear because I was trying
to pull the piece out too hard. Lesson: use slightly more release agent!
I used Pros Aide to adhere the prosthetic to Dave’s lovely
face – no problems there. Then when I started to stick around the nose I
realised I’d “made a huge mistake” and that the edges were going to look awful.
I persevered and have come to the conclusion that it doesn’t
actually look that bad. I mean it’s not great, but considering I haven’t tried
a piece like this before I think it’s not too shabby. I can’t decide whether it
looks better with or without blood… you decide!